Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
If you're dealing with us?
Why, yes, you will be
[ Full Review ]



Rating: FIVE "Great Balls of Fire" BUSTED NUTS

Here at the Metal Wing of the compound, there are two things that we prioritize above all else.

1) Metal and
2) Ass fucking

Wait, wait, wait make that

1) Metal
2) Ass fucking
3) and fucking guns and bombs and all kinds of shit exploding all over.

So. Well wait. We mean

1) Metal
2) Ass fucking
3) exploding shit and
4) cum splashing all over the fucking place and...

Goddamn it. You know what the fuck we mean.

Anyways, the Assman series seems to pander to our very peccadilloes--the second one, at least, since any woman appearing in this finest of JEAN-YVES LECASTEL’s series is sure to be fucked like Satan intended: every possible way. I mean Jesus, the highlight of the movie, in scene two, where J-Y goes apartment hunting and scores big time with his rental agent, cuts straight to the cock of the matter. (Note to Vinnie: we should start an agency like this. We’d blow Metro Rent out of the fucking water.)

We raised maximum goat horns to the previous Assman (that’s ASSMAN #23 for those who can’t keep count), and #24, being only slightly inferior, still gets the mere mortal version of Skullgame’s top rating, but for this they should not mourn. In the re-edit just throw in Emperor as the flick's soundtrack and we’ll round up the Skullgame crew into a LeCastel tribute band. Hail!!! – STEELY ROB

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