Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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West Coast Pictures

Rating: ONE & A HALF "I Knew Jack Kennedy And You, Sir, Are No Jack Kennedy" BUSTED NUTS

Oh my God, Becky. Look at her butt, it is so big. It’s like out there. She’s
got a butt only one of those rapper guys like. Who understands them

And thus begins the blast from the ass past, “Baby Got Back.” Now I'm a woman, but I like big butts. Especially mine. And there’s nothing that gets me hotter than getting a jimmy rod stuffed all up inside of it, but you got to draw the line somewhere: and I'm drawing it on ALL DAT AZZ #16, which, yes, has big butts. In fact it declares that it is "LIVE FROM BUTTHEAVEN." So, yup, big butts it has. It ALSO has big bellies, big thighs, big arms, and double chins.


For this reason alone I'm drafting a friendly suggestion letter to the folks at West Coast: please feel free at about anytime to rename ALL DAT AZZ #16, ALL DAT FAT AZZ #16. I mean the one bitch they should have invited to this backyard blowfest that wasn't invited was Jenny Craig. So if you like them black, fat and all of that, then get this movie and start the stroking.

However, when it comes to porn, the only thing I want sucking, is the sluts, not the movie. And this movie does exactly that: it just plain blows. I mean even if you LIKE fat black chicks, this movie still sucks. They use two positions when they fuck, lame and limp. And with the camera angles they use, all you see sometimes is cellulite jiggling. Horrible sex, lame girls, sweaty guys, wait…that’s the equation for CRAP!

Did anyone order crap? Cause that’s what I got. Is there an upside? Well, if knowing that you got some fat prick richer by buying his crappy video makes you happy, then that’s about all the satisfaction you’ll get here. -- NIXY

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