Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Why, yes, you will be
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Rating: TWO "Five Times Five Is 55?" BUSTED NUTS

MULTIPLES is certainly a cautionary tale for the ages in more not always being better. FULL of almost every dumb bitch from Fresno to Canoga Park, all of them larded with this "school" theme, and all of them, if you look closely enough, dropping IQ points right in front of your very eyes. And keeping with the multiple partner genre, it's packed with every conceivable variation, save maybe one that includes a horse…wait…never mind.


And so while MR. MARCUS valiantly tries to keep this one together, this movie certainly reinforces my theory that while one professional RAISES the bell curve, two or 10 amateurs lower it exponentially. Now…initial criticisms aside: The girls are stupid, granted, however, as stupid as they are they are also very, very hot.

So…let's see, do you want these cunts doing your taxes or polishing your knob?

It’s the knob isn’t it? I thought so. While these bitches are trying on the ears it’s my cock I’m thinking about, and if I could reach it while maintaining some semblance of interest I guess the movie is okay. Mixed message? Maybe.

So, if you’re a fan of Mr. Marcus, you go Marcus. Like extra features in your DVD including full motion menus and a fetish menu that allows you to skip around the scene? Bang! Are you into blowjobs? Go straight for the blow jobs. Boning, we got your boning right here. And if you’re the kind of guy who likes dessert before dinner you can go right for the money shot.

So what I am saying is: we got a mixed bag here. Enjoy. Try. -- ITALIAN SAL

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