Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Rating: FIVE "Hello 42nd Street" BUSTED NUTS

Sure. Sure. Laugh. Laugh if you want. You see the experience of watching INSIDE JENNIFER WELLES for many of you will be like watching fucking Albanian porn: strange, confusing and slightly frightening.

Start with the fact that everybody here's got pubic hair.


Well you see once upon a time in America people thought it was OK to have marks of secondary sex characteristics like hair on their genitalia instead of being all cue ball smooth. Now I ain't delivering no backhanded commentary. I like the clean look and have no desire to go back to hairpie land, I'm just helping you identify that foreign fucking feeling you'll be having watching some fuck flick that's older than a lot of fucks fucking in fuck flicks today.

The next thing you'll have to get used to is the jokey humor, which I'll explain by saying that in 1978 people were taking A LOT of drugs. Make that A LOT OF DRUGS. And this was before AIDS too so they were having the motherfucking times of their life. HIGH AS FUCKING VERY HIGH KITES.

OUTSIDE of these strange discordancies for those of the modern sensibility, this IS ONE OF THE GREATEST FUCKING MOVIES EVER.

JENNIFER WELLES, she of the legit stage and screen (she was like in that straight movie THE GROOVE TUBE with Richard Belzer and Chevy Chase), was, even pushing her mid-40s the way she was here, HOTTER THAN A FUCKING VERY HOT THING. The tits, the ass, the sheer animal joy of fuck...shit...I've been trying to fuck Jennifer Welles for years and didn't even know it. And the fact that she only made a very few films, makes this one all the more amazing to have.

But in it she fucks a guy who looks like he could be in that band MONSTER MAGNET. She fucks fat jewish guys. She fucks the great R. BOLLA. And then for the piece de resistance she fucks a whole chinese restaurant full of guys who have their ethnically correct trademark music usher them into frame, culminating with the Zorba the Greek theme on the bouzouki for the guy who, yeah you guessed it, fucks her in the ass.

This movie changed my life. I swear to fucking God. It changed my life.--VINNIE ROSE

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