Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
And a goddamned happy new
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Yo Vinnie,
Vibrators!!! Question Mr. Answer Man: how do men really feel about us women using them? Before, after, or during sex? Do they feel threatened? Do they say they DON'T feel threatened because they think they SHOULD say that but feel differently? What if it is used after they get off and after they get us off? Do you all find it sexy? Do you care? At all? Either way? -- Steely Daniella


Dear MS. BLACK MAMBO: "Do you care?" Hahahahahahahahahaha.....You know, pretty much that question will ALWAYS be followed by laughter [even if it is inside where delicate trembling men or women, with knives, can't see it] because the answer will ALWAYS be, well, huge gales of laughter because the answer is ALWAYS, really, no one gives a fuck about nothing.

But you have asked specifically about a sub-genus of man that perhaps might be butt hurt at the prospect, the mere suggestion, that their six-inch weapon of mass destruction might not, on any given day, get the job done. Or even if it does/has the specter that it might NOT have when you pull out your light saber might be enough to crush the delicate cock flower of a man without a which I say, Do YOU care?

You ASKED so we must assume that you do and so we say here now for you and everyone else interested for all time: men who are worth a good goddamn don't give a shit. In fact, it's that quality of not-giving-a-shit-i-tude that sometimes defines high quality sex.

I mean QUICK: do you want to be fucked by a man or a butler?

And look, a little selfishness is good. Nothing hotter than people in deep pursuit of their own dark desires and so when you pull out that dildo, rather than sending GOOD men into a spiral of morbid self-attentions it will drive GOOD men into a flurry of activity singularly focused on your ASS.

That's right: much like when Moe would hit Curly in the stomach and when Curly went to cover up his stomach, Moe would hit him the face and then when Curly went to cover up his face, he would hit him in the stomach again any GOOD man will take the opportunity of seeing you and your quim occupied to launch a full blown anal offensive. Barring that just about anything else involving their cocks and your other unoccupied holes will do. Well, either that or sleep.

This is good. See....everybody is happy.

Just don't get creative.

If suddenly, in a burst of artistic inspiration, you feel the need to stick it up my, I mean, his ass? Well, just don't.


Otherwise: get loose with Bruce, baby!!!



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