Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
At Casa Skull? Naturally!
[ Full Review ]



Rating: FIVE "The Way Shit Was Meant to Fucking Be" BUSTED NUTS

So my deadbeat fuckhead of a roommate left this shit behind when he decided that he couldn't handle the mean streets of North Idaho and had to head back to the nice suburban streets of the Southside of Chicago. Not was it until I moved into a new house this last week that I found it while I was packing. Now, I have no idea whatsoever how and why he would possibly ever leave behind a FUCKING VHS TAPE that was probably made about 20 years ago, but goddamnit I commend you, douchebag roommate!


As a public service to you all out there in SkullGame land, I bring you a throwback to the late '80's/early 90's street filth that is NEW WAVE HOOKERS 2. I like to think of this as a "lost treasure," not so much because it's an older movie with more nostalgia than you shake a stick at, but just because of the fact that this piece of work is probably the one and only VHS porn I will probably ever own at this point.

After spraying the tape down with an entire can of disinfectant, I threw this fucking winner on and realized this shit has some fucking style, and a story to boot. A sleazebag cop is tracking down a skinny little pimp named Little Willy, who commands his bitches to go "ho'ing" by smacking them upside the tittaay with his cane-wand.

Oh, and I need to mention the cane-wand thing has some weird mind control powers.

Basically, that is the plot.

About 15% story line, and 85% rawdog fucking in this. I mean, any movie showing a young MADISON STONE get bent over a trash can and fucked silly by PETER NORTH while she blows a sleeping junkie in an alley is A-OK in my book. Added bonus when the fucking video actually looks like some high quality film stock was used on this.

Yes all of you porn directors take note: THIS IS HOW YOU GET SHIT DONE! STOP CUTTING CORNERS!

If it's on DVD, BUY THIS SHIT TODAY! You will be a better person. -- SCOTTY B.

Buy it NOW!



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