Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
As often as possibly. Preferably? For FREE.
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I took a bunch of meth. Like a WHOLE lot of meth. And then proceeded to fuck the shit out of this girl. While the first hour was cool, going into the third hour I got what I'm going to call "meth dick": lots of desire to fuck but cock shriveled like a peanut. Kind of like your cock is after you've been jogging or something. What's the deal, Dr. VIN? -- BOW MAN (by email)


Dear Method Man: Been there, and sadly, done that my friend. What can I say? While there's some research into the pharmacological interaction of meth, viagra and loads and loads of dirty fucking willing pussy, the results thusfar are largely inconclusive as we ran out of money and sluts after about the first three hours, but that's hardly the point. The point here is: do you let cooze roach your buzz? Or do you let your buzz roach your cooze?

And the answer here is quite simple since for men all of this must be measured against degree of difficulty. To whit: an ugly bitch in the hand is worth two fancy bitches who will gank you for drinks and not give it up by evening's end.

Translation: is it harder to get a snootful of crystal methodology than it is to get a willing bit of quim?

Only you can answer this question but for us here at SkullGame it's quite easy to get all the meth we need from DAVE DIETRICH. But pussy? Well, the shit that people give away for free (hahah...yeah, right) is always harder to get supplywise. So we'd go for the stanky stuff, every time.

But because we felt an obligation to seriously answer your question we asked our own THE DOCTOR and side effects of meth use are as follows

disturbed sleep patterns, tightened jaw muscles, grinding teeth (trismus and bruxia), loss of appetite (anorexia), leading to poor nutrition and weight loss with heavy use, reduced enjoyment of eating, loss of interest in sex, over time, itching, welts on skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive excitation, hyperactivity, shortness of breath, moodiness & irritability, anxiousness & nervousness, aggressiveness, panic, suspiciousness & paranoia, involuntary body movements (uncontrollable movement and/or twitches of fingers, facial & body muscles, lip-smaking, tongue protrusion, grimacing), false sense of confidence and power (delusions of grandeur), aggressive and violent behavior severe depression, suicidal tendencies

...and those are just the fucking GOOD ones!!!

Goddamned we love that stuff!!!



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