Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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What's the whole story on fisting. My girlfriend won't go for it.

What's the whole story on fisting. My girlfriend won't go for it. I keep telling her it won't hurt. Does it? What can I do to get my hands wet so to speak.--A bird in the hand, indianapolis, IN

Five Fingers of Death:
Haha. It doesn’t hurt, baby, I PROMISE. Uh, that’s right, ain’t it, Euge? Well it won’t hurt YOU. But a better question is will she LIKE it? I mean sometimes people end up liking shit that they don’t even know that they like when it’s first introduced to them. Like ass fucking, for instance. Or me fucking them. But your girlfriend won’t go for it? Fuck it. Write me off line and I’ll hook you up with Ms. Giant Pussy in Hack my Sack, New Jersey up above and y’all can have a certs encounter and all I ask if that you send us photos of it and write a review so we TOO can share the joy of what it feels like to stick your whole hand in a big, fat, wet hole.



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