Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Yo Vinnie,
I really really want to go to a gangbang. And so does my girlfriend. Not just to watch if you catch my drift. I ain't stupid though and figure we should probably not do this together. Is there a way for me to indulge my kink separately while she does the same in a fairly safe way? And don't tell me "hookers" because I have found NO hookers who will do this. And how do we stage a party for her and guarantee that everybody plays safe? Logistical help needed, please. -- Mike (by email)


Dear KOOL & THE GANG: You like gangbangs, she likes gangbangs...yup...EVERYBODY likes gangbangs. Until they go to one. But lemme make something real clear here: double or triple teaming some broad is NOT a gangbang. Sure, technically, THREE of you might constitute a GANG. In the same way that an ARMY OF ONE might constitute an ARMY.

But make no mistake this is a WHOLEEEEEE other animal than being in a room at the Holiday Inn Express, for example, with 10 other dudes duking down on some broad while the host struts around the room behind you screaming things like "FUCK HER DIRTY HOLE!!! And, oh, WE GOT A COLD CUT PLATTER!!!" or "BLOW YOUR HOT LOADS ON THIS HOT WHORE'S FACE. Oh. And TRY THE FINGER FOODS."

And the obligatory attendee of questionable sexual proclivity screams/lisps "SUCK HIS COCK. SUCK IT!!!" [True goddamned story.] My point is this might be an idea that is good in THEORY. Sort of like watching a soccer game. But in practice is the naked face of misery. Which will last until hotel security throws you all out.

Still not dissuaded?

OK...many towns actually HAVE gangbang associations. Men join, men in very much your position, and trade their women in as buy in. And this is where it almost gets interesting: they charge some sort of fee usually. Forty dollars or $200, depending on your frame of mind. You can get yours and trade your old lady in to get hers in a comfortable environment of like-minded individuals who like lots of cocks, and the merest shred of heterosexuality provided by the woman being boned.

Now you can both indulge your kink, slink guiltily back home and tell each other, generally sorta kinda almost the truth about what happened, and rest easy that everything's OK America.

You've been warned.



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