Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Why, yes, you will be
[ Full Review ]



I don’t even know where to start. Well I guess I will start from the start, while searching for a photograph for one of my year-end articles I stumbled on this site through a “Google” search. This very, very odd website which had tons of shit and shitting related articles. So after some initial revulsion to a site solely dedicated to pinching a loaf, dropping a load and letting loose with a steamer, a thought came to mind: It really isn’t such a strange topic of conversation after all. After all shit and shitting is as common as breathing and eating. And if you want to take that point to its logical conclusion is a direct result of said breathing and eating. So, why not have a site about crap?

So, while perusing its vast, vast archives of matters of the fecal kind, I discovered tons and tons of information related to socially sensitive topics like shameless shitting, thought-provoking topics like whether or not it is proper to talk to the person in the next stall while letting loose one of your very own bunker busters and geopolitical topics like where our boys in Iraq empty their heroic bowels and wipe there patriotic ass cracks.

I have got to be honest with you: I really have been sold on this website. It is smart, funny, informative and above all, full of shit. And I mean that in the best way possible.

So, next time you're sitting on your porcelain throne pushing out a sloppy wet one. Growing a tail. Squeaking a growler. Think about our boys in the Middle East shitting in the desert and how they're making it safe for all of us at home to shit in a free and safe America.--ITALIAN SAL



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