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Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Yo Vinnie,
What's the deal with men and trannies? My boyfriend digs trannies and I want to know. -- Tranny Lovers Lover


Dear Lover of Gay Men: I'm no expert on trannies. But THE FLYING FUCKING DUTCHMAN is and so we'll let him tell you.

Transsexuals: why a dicked chick is the ultimate party trick (Or: I love transsexuals. Or: should I even be here?)

First let me make clear what I consider, in this case, to be a transsexual. You see, the dictionary is also a little unclear and opts for a ‘middle of the road’ explanation that is so characteristic for the world of the dicked chick.

A transsexual is: 1. A person who wishes to be considered by society as a member of the opposite sex. 2. A person who has undergone a sex change.

Those are two very different things. The first person is a member of one sex and wishes to be considered as being of the opposite sex, even though he or she clearly isn’t and as such is a fraud and SHOULD NOT be able to pull off (or incite pulling off) a stint in the world of porn. While the second person is in fact of the opposite sex that he was before and he or she HAS to be considered so by society and as such is true and SHOULD be able to incite A LOT of pulling… pulling dicks that is.

Tricky, but nothing mind bending (as opposed to gender bending eh?) so far.

In this case, the SKULLGAME case, which is pornography, I consider a transsexual to be the first. Except: I would add to the description that that person also clearly wishes to be considered as the ultimate party trick by everyone holding his dick a swinging. He or she is incomplete to the world (because there has been no surgery to swap genitals), but complete to me and everyone buying trannytastic skin flicks; they have a dick and a pair of tits. The best of both worlds TO ME and people like me, that is, and even though people come here to read about dicks AND tits I doubt that they want said dicks and tits to be attached to the SAME body. Only writing about guys fucking chicks seems singular and monotonous.

However, it is the ultimate form of duality; physically that is. But having sex for a paycheck, like writing only about straight fucking, also proves to be a very singular experience, mentally. You get fucked in the ass, you get cash. There’s not a lot more to it than that. The upside of being a transsexual, I would think, is that is that he or she would receive a bigger pay check because he has both the woman’s job and the man’s job in the flick. But the downside, and there is ALWAYS a downside, is that he or she will also receive a lot more ass fucking because there is no cunt to be fucked.

I don’t like ass fucking. There are a number of guys here at casa de SKULL who LOVE ass fucking, so I seem to be on the other side of the fence here. That side of the fence where all the plastic fantastic dick swinging chicks hide out; far removed from the party when we should be the best party in town.

Having said that, a transsexual IS the ultimate party trick simply because of the fact that he or she is able to FUCK and BE FUCKED, without needing any props. The transsexual can just jump right in and perform on both teams. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the transsexual is the head of both teams. There is nothing that screams sex more than a woman shouting at you to suck her off.

I say, in conclusion: I love chicks with dicks because they embody both the GOOD and the BAD (and before I get an editor’s note, yes in most cases also the UGLY), not only about pornography but also about life itself.



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