Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
If you're dealing with us?
Why, yes, you will be
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I've had sex w/two bi-sexual girls recently and, contrary to every movie I've seen and every story I've heard...

I've had sex w/two bi-sexual girls recently and, contrary to every movie I've seen and every story I've heard, they were both pretty lame in the sack. They hardly even touched my dick--I had to do all the work. Is it just my bad luck or have I been duped by bi-sexual fantasy
Marketing?—Duped by Dykes, Chicago, IL

Gullible Is Not in the Dictionary Either: Let me get this straight: you’re disappointed that reality is not conforming to cinema? Are you also disappointed that you don’t have super powers? That money doesn’t grow on trees? That life isn’t fair? And what other highly improbable fucking dream projections are you clutching to in the fever of your goddamned college dorm? Lissen, lissen, lissen, with guys like you, it’s ALWAYS the other guy. The DYKES were lame. Their cunts were too BIG and, and, and too DRY to boot. I’m going to give you a cold cup of hot coffee to wake you up: it’s YOU my friend. That’s right. They hated YOU. For what reason, I mean outside of your dogheadedness, I have no idea. But I have my suspicions, my friend. My strong suspicions that it’s because you are an asshole. Now on to your point as to whether the Bi-Sexual Fantasy Marketeers have perpetrated a fraud on that portion of the American public that makes it its practice to prey on the poor lesbians that want, in actual fact, nothing to do with your cock? Yes. Yes they have.



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