Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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You seemed to be the ultimate playa and I was wondering, have you ever been with more that one woman at one time?

First I would like to say that I really used to enjoy your section in Code Magazine. You seemed to be the ultimate playa and I was wondering, have you ever been with more that one woman at one time? If the answer is yes, how can I pull this off?--Big "H"-Chicago, IL

Yo, Heroin: How? You mean outside of being me? You mean outside of having more game than a fucking referee? You mean outside of sporting yards of crank, fucking like Hercules, and being able to come on cue? Well I can’t think of a single one. Except maybe the direct approach. I mean I can see you all working here. Working it like it’s chess when in actual fact it ain’t chess at all. There’s no strategy to it other than being able to master the ancient martial art of saying the craziest shit with a straight face and then acting like THEY are crazy when they get shocked, but before they actually slap your face, which means in that STILL THINKING ABOUT IT fugue state where people sometimes go to whenever you propose anything like this.

BUT a few words to the wise: IF you manage to do this and by some strange freakish chance you manage to pull this off with two sisters, understand before hand that you ARE the show since in all likelihood unless they’re freakier than any sisters that I’ve ever met, they will not tongue each other down. And here I mean sisters as in born from the same mother and not as in Sassy Black maids on TV shows like The Jeffersons. This is not bad, but you’ve only got ONE cock and you’ll have to work it like you’ve NEVER worked it before. Don’t ask me how I know. I just know.



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