Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Red Light District

Rating: FOUR (or 8 Depending On Viewing Speed) BUSTED NUTS

Welcome to the ball-buster of the porn industry right about now: Brazil!!!

Brazil: home of the fucking hottest chicks on earth that come fully loaded with thongs and beach house settings decorated with a Copa Cabana color scheme. Girls that are so fucking smokin' that even the ugly ones look great with a random cock, or five, shoved in their mouths. And so long as it's not YOUR pole plundering the plagues of Pandora's box, you're good to go.

So sit back and let the snake punching begin.

To: hot, sweaty bitches that look like they're absolutely loving this shit...even when they're getting fucked by a pimply-ass, semi-gay, AWOL ROTC frat boy, neo-hippy drop-out with Sailor Jerry tattoos.

To: our fucking genius discovery that if you're a modern man on the get up and go go go and your time is valuable like money and you wanna speed the video up to get the most out of it in the shortest period of time it doesn't get LESS hot.


This video is two, four, or even eight times greater when sped up to two, four, or even eight times the normal viewing speed. This gives the girls an extra compelling, orgasmically distressed grimace, complete with that we're chewing on a huge wad of cum gum look. Who knows what they're saying (probably not fucking much), but when I sped up the video two times and played it backwards I swear I heard the lyrics to "Papa Don't Preach."

WARNING: If you watch this video at normal speed after doing this, the girls look like retards on Ecstasy.

Note: This is a good thing.--TOOT SWEET

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