Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Digital Team

Rating: FOUR “We Put The Doo In Voodoo" BUSTED NUTS

Ahh, Santeria.

A mysterious religion that blends ancient African juju with catholicism and Native American shamanism. Santeria, the religion in which you never have to ask "What's to eat?" when the ritual is over, and where you can tell a town under its arcane spell by walking its streets at dawn. That rooster that ISN'T crowing? Probably last night's offering/nosh. The title sets the mind reeling with scenes of the high priestess of regla de ocha dancing frenetically in a trance, cockerel blood flying all over the place, with the beat of the drums...

So this is a movie about bizarre ritual sex practices? Ah, no.

It's about transcultural sexual patois? No, not really.

What this film is, really, is an entry-level primer into control fetish sex. And if you think that sounds bad, then you're going to find yourself surprised that you were so wrong. Despite the rather tame vanilla-flavor fucking and the at times laughable fetish behavior, this is a pretty hot flick.

I viewed it in segments, as is my habit, in the company of one or more female companions. I hit slippery pay dirt no fewer than FOUR out of four times with this peculiar little disc. And I don't usually hang onto these "girl friendly" titles, but I'm going to make an exception in this case.

Supposedly there is some sort of script being followed here, with a plot and dialogue and so forth. This all would have worked better if someone had POINTED THE FUCKING MIC AT THE ACTORS! The mumbling in this flick is matched only by the (at times, apparently intentional) blurry/shaky camera work. But more importantly, even if the cinematography had been nonpareil and the sound digital dolby, it wouldn't mave made any difference because on no occasion did I make it more than 10 minutes into run time before I had either

1) tits in my face,
2) an open mouth in my lap, or,
3) on one memorable occasion BOTH.

I wouldn't have been able to follow a plot anyway.

The sex in this film was, for the most part, totally believable. It looked like people really having sex, unlike most films where the people are obviously pros who would rather be on the golf course or scoring some meth. These people look horny and the sex they are having looks like they would be doing it even if the camera stopped rolling. Very little eye contact with the camera--the bane of my existence--and a couple of places where I was able to forget that this is just a porno movie. THAT's the real voodoo, if you ask me.--THE DOCTOR

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