Mack Avenue Skullgame
Vinnie Pick of the Week
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Why do men cheat on their wives?

Why do men cheat on their wives? Every one of my girlfriend’s husbands cheats.--Looking for clues, Willis, TX

What You Talking About Willis?: Because. Well I mean that’s the answer. Because. I mean I don’t know what kind of fairy tale fucking book you got your life stories out of but can YOU imagine fucking the same person day in and day out?

Again and again and again and again and again….

...and then again UNTIL YOU DIE?!?!

Jesus Christ what fucking maniac invented THAT torture? I mean on the one side of your life you have OBLIVION. On the other side MORE OBVILION. If, in this small shit stain that you’ve come to identify as your life, you’re NOT BEING ALL YOU CAN BE, you’re wasting your goddamned time. And don’t tell me it’s only men…there is no fuck like a married woman fuck. Jesus, they’ll rip your head off.


BECAUSE. Because they’ve been fucking and sucking the same cock over and over and over again and again and again and when finally presented with a healthy and happy one why they just lose their fucking minds. In other words this is the only way to make it through your life without going totally mind-rippingly insane. Like Bill Cosby used to say, “as long as I come back home at night…” Thank heaven for small favors baby.



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